1) Low Bears, 10 reps w/2s pause
2) T-Spine Superman’s, 5 reps w/5s pause
3) Hamstring Curls, 10 reps
4) Hamstring Tack & Floss
STRENGTH: Deadlift, 3 x 6 sets
ACTIVE MOBILITY (90s per area)
WOD: Perform 7 rounds of the following for time:
- 50ft Plate Drag
- 14 KB Dino Push Back Lunges (7 R/L, OH/Rack, 45/53, 30/35)
- 3 Rope Climb’s
1) 100m Walk
2) Core Work: One Arm Plank Row, 8 R/L, 3-4X’s
3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area)
4) V Stretch, 2-minutes