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1) PVC Pipe Hollow Body/Hollow Arch hold, 10s On/5s Off – 5X’s

2) Single-Leg PVC Pipe Hip Hinge, 5 reps R/L

3) Sliding Plate Lunges – Lateral/Reverse, 5 R/L

4) Pelvic Reset & Low Lumbar Soft Tissue work

STRENGTH: Deadlifts, 5 reps @ 75% + KB Split Squat (goblet style), 5 reps R/L, 4 super-sets total


1) Hamstring Tack & Floss + High Glute Smash

2) Banded Single Leg Hamstring & IT Band Stretch

3) Barbell Pec Smash w/Rear Delt Tack & Floss

4) Super Front Rack Stretch

WOD: Perform 3 rounds of the following 2-minute AMRAP:

- 10 Barbell Thrusters (95/65) - 200-m Row Sprint

** Use time remaining to do ME rep Thrusters; score is total X of Thrusters

** REST 2-MINUTES between rounds


1) 100m Walk

2) Core Work: Med Ball Russian Twist, 15 reps R/L – 4 sets

3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area, start with the t-spine & work your way down)

4) V Stretch

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