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1) Starfish, 20s On, 10s Off - 3X's 2) Single Leg PVC Pipe Hip Hinge , 10 reps R/L 3) Tempo Floating Deadlifts, 10 reps @ 55/65/75% 4) Hamstring Tack & Floss, 90s R/L 5) Classic Posterior Chain Floss, 60s R/L

STRENGTH: 3 Deadlifts @ 85% + D Ball Carry, 100m - 5X's

ACTIVE MOBILITY 1) High Glute Smash 2) Couch Stretch + V Stretch 3) Lat Smash 4) Banded Lat Stretch

WOD: Perform the following for time: - 1000m Row - 50 Thrusters (45/35) - 30 Pull-Ups

COOL DOWN 1) 100m Recovery Walk 2) Core Work: Barbell Cauldrons, 10 reps R/L - 4X's 3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area) 4) Single Leg Hamstring Stretch with Band, 2-minutes R/L

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