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1) Ski for 2-minutes

2) Hollow Body Hold + Roll to Arch, 5 reps for 2 sets

3) Kick to Handstand, 10s hold + Negative HSPU, 5s to lower for 5 reps

4) HSPU Practice, 3-5 minutes

STRENGTH: Accumulate 50 HSPU in as few sets as possible; each time you break = 100m Sprint/Run followed by 2-minutes of active mobility (scale up = strict HSPU)


1) 1st Rib & Trap Mobilization

2) Pec Smash + Sun Dial

3) Scap Scrub

4) Hamstring Tack & Floss

WOD: Perform a 20-minute AMRAP as a two-person team:

- 5 Deficit Push-Up’s (45/25lb plates)

- 10 Kipping Ring Rows

- 15 Russian KB Swings (70/53)

**1 partner works, the other rests


1) Recovery Walk, 100-200m following WOD

2) Core Work: V Ups w/3s Decent, 8-12 reps for 3-4 sets

3) Foam Roll & Soft Tissue Work, 3-5 minutes

4) Puppy Pose Stretch

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