1) 800m on Assault Bike
2) Low Bear Crawl, 30ft + Reverse Lunge, 30ft & Tall Bear Crawl, 60ft + Reverse Lunge, 30ft
3) Barbell Clean Warm-Up
- Hip Clean Jump, NO Shrug
- Hip Clean High Pull
- Hip Muscle Clean
- Power Drop Clean
- Hip Power Clean
4) Barbell Quad Smash
STRENGTH: Rear Elevated KB Split Squats, 8 reps R/L for 4 sets total
1) Banded Hip Extension
2) High Glute Smash
3) Olympic Wall Squat with Rotation
4) Front Rack Stretch
WOD: Perform 5 rounds of the following for time:
- 15 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 15 Power Cleans (95/65)
1) Recovery Walk, 100-200m following WOD
2) Core Work: Med Ball GHD Sit-Up’s, 15 reps for 3-4 sets
3) Foam Roll & Soft Tissue Work, 3-5 minutes
4) Couch Stretch