1) Speed Ladder + Snatch Footwork, 5-minutes
2) Reverse Grip PVC Pipe OHS, 10 reps + OHS in Squat Rack, 10 reps
3) Snatch Bar Warm-Up
ACTIVE MOBILITY A 1) Barbell Pec Smash w/Rear Delt Tack & Floss
2) T-Spine Extension w/OH Bias
STRENGTH: Power Snatch + OHS (1+2) 10-minute EMOM 70-80%
1) Couch & Frog Stretch
2) Banded Anterior Ankle Mobilization
WOD: Perform the following for max reps & calories: 1-minute, Snatch (135/95), ME reps 1-minutes of REST 1-minute, Bike, ME cals** 1-minutes of REST 1-minute, Snatch (135/95), ME reps
1-minutes of REST 1-minute, Bike, ME cals** 1-minutes of REST 1-minute, Snatch (135/95), ME reps 1-minutes of REST 1-minute, Bike, ME cals**
**BURPEE PENALTY: Must accumulate at least 60 calories total on Bike; for every calorie you do NOT get = X2 Burpees at the end of the workout
1) 200m Recovery Walk following WOD
2) Core Work: Front Rack hold, accumulate 2-minutes total using 90-100% of 1RM Front Squat
3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area)
4) V Stretch, 2-3 minutes