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1) 250m Ski + 250m Row 2) Barbell Pull Over Series 3) KB Halo's, 5 reps each direction 4) KB Bottom's Up Press, 10 reps R/L for 2 sets 5) Strict Press Bar Warm-Up
STRENGTH: Strict Press, ME REPS 50% 1RM
Warm-up Sets 50%-5 reps 60%-4 reps
ACTIVE MOBILITY 1) PVC Pipe 1st Rib & Trap 2) T-Spine Extensions
70%-3 reps 80%-2 reps 50%-ME reps
ACTIVE MOBILITY 3) Lat & Pec Smash 4) Banded Lat & Pec Stretch
Hero WOD "DT:" Perform 5 rounds of the following for time: - 12 Deadlifts (155/105) - 9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105) - 6 Power Jerks (155/105)