1) Cardio Warm-Up: 1-minute each machine
2) Jump Rope Warm-Up
3) Hollow Body Holds & Banded Lat Pull Downs
4) Scap Pull-ups, Scap Circles, Kipping
SKILL: Toes to Bar, Double Unders
1) Lat Smash & T-Spine Extensions
2) Banded Lat Stretch
3) Plantar Surface Smash
4) Calf Smash & Stretch
WOD: Perform a 15-minute AMRAP with the following:
25 Double Unders
10 Toes to Bar
25 Double Unders
5 Strict Pull-Ups or Bar Muscle Ups
1) 200m Recovery Walk
2) V Stretch (2-3 minutes relaxed hold)
3) Accessory: Wide Stance Good Mornings, 8-10 reps x 3-4 sets
4) Individual Mobility (5-10 minutes of foam rolling, soft tissue work & stretching)