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1) Bird Dogs, 10 R/L w/2s pause

2) T-Spine Superman’s, 5 reps w/5s pause

3) Single Leg Glute Bridge, 10 reps R/L

4) Barbell Back Squat Warm-Up (5 reps each, unbroken)

- Wide Stance Good Morning’s

- Cossack Squats

- Push Back Lunges

- Good Morning Back Squat

- Jumping Back Squats

5) Barbell Adductor & Quad Smash

STRENGTH: Pause Back Squats (3s in bottom) 5 reps x 4 sets @ 65/70/75/75%


1) Glute & Hip Flexor Smash

2) Frog & Couch Stretch

3) Barbell Bicep & Forearm Smash

4) Banded Bicep Floss + Banded Shoulder Bulley Stretch

WOD: Perform the following 20-minute KB carry complex for ME distance accumulated (start with weak arm, & don’t forget to the PENALTY**):

- ME distance, KB Waiter Carry (OH, 53/35)

- ME distance, KB Rack Carry (53/35)

- ME distance Farmer Carry (53/35)

**PENALTY: When you fail, STOP & put your KB down. Run to the furthest stop sign away from you, & back to your KB, before switching arms.


1) 100-200m Walk immediately following WOD

2) CORE WORK: Perform the following series, UNBROKEN, for 3-4 sets:

- Side Plank (right side), 30s

- Plank with Alternating Reach, 20 reps (10 R/L)

- Side Plank (right side), 30s

3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area)

4) V Stretch, 2-3 minutes per side

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