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1) Footwork for Split Jerk, 10 reps total

2) Clean Bar Warm-Up (5 reps each)

- Hip Clean Jump – NO Shrug

- Strict Hip Muscle Clean

- Hip Muscle Clean

- Hip Power Clean into Front Squat

- Hang Power Clean into Front Squat

- Hip Clean + Hang Clean (AK)

3) Barbell Pec Smash w/Rear Delt Tack & Floss + Banded Front Rack Stretch

4) Jerk Bar Warm-Up

- Strict Over & Backs

- Jerk Pause Dip Squats

- Push Press

- Power Jerk

5) Lacrosse Ball Lat Smash

STRENGTH: Clean & Jerk 1RM

- 6-8 sets total to find a 1RM of the day

- You may start from the hip/hang/floor depending on your technique

- Start @ 60-65% for 2 reps

- Continue to increase by 5-10% until 75% is reached for only 1 rep

- 3 total misses/fails

HERO WOD, “Hammer:” Perform 5 rounds of the following for time:

- 5 Power Cleans (135/95)

- 10 Front Squats (135/95)

- 5 Jerks (135/95)

- 20 Pull-Ups

**NO RACK, 25-minute time-cap


1) 100m Walk following WOD

2) CORE WORK: Barbell Rollout’s, 6 reps x 5 sets w/60s rest b/w sets

3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area)

4) Single Leg Hamstring, 2-3 minutes per side

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