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1) Dip Support Hold, 20s, 3 sets

2) Negative Dips (5s down, 3s at bottom), 5 reps

3) Pho Pull-Up’s, 10 reps

4) Negative Pull-Ups, (5s at top, 5s to lower down), 5 reps

5) 1st Rib & Trap Smash

STRENGTH: 5 Weighted Dips + 5 Weighted Pull-Up’s, 5 sets - AHAP

ACTIVE MOBILITY (60-90s per area)

WOD: Perform two rounds of the following 7-minute AMRAP, with 2-minutes REST between rounds:

- 5 Ring Muscle-Up’s (Scale by doing 2 Strict Pull-Ups + 2 Dips + 2 Scaled Kip-Up Muscle-Ups)

- 15 Calorie Row


1) 100m Walk

2) Core Work: Lateral Med Ball Slams – Tabata Style (20s On/10s Off, 8X’s total)

3) Foam Roll

4) V Stretch

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