1) Hollow Body Position Drills & Practice (hollow hold, hollow plank hold, hollow body hang), 5-minutes of work
2) Toes to Bar Practice, 5 reps x 2 sets
3) Top-Down, Tempo Deadlifts (5s down – touch & go), 5 reps @ 40/45/50%
4) Lacrosse Ball Hamstring Tack & Floss
STRENGTH: Deadlift, 10 reps @ 50-55% + 200m Row/30s Bike Sprint - 4 sets
ACTIVE MOBILITY (90s per area)
1) Classic Posterior Chain Floss
2) Glute/Low Lumbar Soft Tissue work
3) Lacrosse Ball Lat Smash
4) Banded Lat & Pec Stretch
WOD: Perform 3 rounds of the following for time:
- 20 Ring Push-Up’s
- 800m Run
- 20 Toes to Bar
1) 100m Walk
2) Foam Roll (10 passes per area)
3) Core Work: Superman (hollow arch hold), accumulate 2-minutes total
4) V Stretch