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1) Speed Ladder, 3-5 minutes

2) Hollow Body, roll to Hollow Arch, 10s hold each X3

3) Handstand T-Spine Stretch

4) Weighted T-Spine Extensions

SKILL WORK & WOD PREP (Alternate with active mobility)

1) HS Hold variations

2) Tripod Headstand Progression (5 reps each)

- Tripod HS Rock

- Tripod HS

- Tripod HS, Punch to Plank

- Tripod HS, Punch to Wall

- HSPU Practice

ACTIVE MOBILITY (90s per area)

1) Quad & Hip Flexor Smash

2) Banded Hip Distraction & Banded Hip Extension

3) 1st Rib Mobilization & Trap Smash

4) Barbell Hollow Arch Stretch

WOD: With a Partner perform a 15-minute AMRAP of the following:

- Partner 1: Sled Push, 200ft

- Partner 2: HSPU, ME reps


1) 100m Walk

2) Foam Roll (10 passes per area)

3) Core Work: Russian Twist, 12 reps R/L – 4 sets (AHAP)

4) Puppy Pose w/Wall

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