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1) Barbell Clean & OH Press Warm-Up (5 reps each)

- Strict Hip Clean High Pull + Hip Clean High Pull

- Strict Hip Muscle Clean + Hip Muscle Clean

- Hip Muscle Cleans + Press

- Tempo Strict OH Press (5s up/2s lock-out/5s down)

2) Banded Front Rack Stretch

3) 1st Rib Mobilization

STRENGTH: Hip Muscle Clean to OH Press, 8 reps + 200m Row Sprint/Bike Sprint, 30s – 4 sets

ACTIVE MOBILITY (90s per area)

1) Hamstring Tack and Floss + Glute Smash

2) Couch and Frog

3) Scap Scrub with Single Lacrosse Ball

4) Banded Shoulder or Elbow Bulley

WOD: Perform a Death-By WOD with the following:

MIN 1: 15 Air Squats + 1 Push-Up

MIN 2: 15 Air Squats + 2 Push-Up’s

MIN 3: 15 Air Squats + 3 Push-Up’s….Until Failure; REST 1-minute

**3 total fails


1) 100m Walk

2) Foam Roll (10 passes per area)

3) Core Work: Weighted Side Plank, accumulate 3-minutes per side (45/25)

4) V Stretch, 2-minute relaxed hold

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