1) Barbell Dead Bugs, 10 R/L
2) Barbell Hip Thrust, 10 reps + Barbell RDL, 10 reps
3) Barbell Warm-Up (push press & front Squats)
4) Front Rack Stretch
STRENGTH: 5 Push Press + 5 Front Squats, 4 super-sets total @ 80-85% of Push Press 1RM
1) 1st Rib Mobilization
2) Banded Elbow Bulley
3) Hip Flexor Smash
4) T-Spine Extension hold
WOD: Perform the following every 2-minutes, for 6 rounds total:
- 10/8 Calorie Row
- 2 Power Snatch (135/95)
- 4 Burpees Over Bar
**Use any time remaining to REST
1) 100m Walk
2) Core Work: Barbell Roll Outs, 6-8 reps x 3-4 sets
3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area, start with the t-spine & work your way down)
4) Static Stretch of the Day: Seated Straddle Stretch