1) Low Bear Crawl Forward/Backward/Right/Left, 10 steps R/L
2) Snatch Footwork, 10-15 reps
3) Snatch Bar Warm-Up (5 reps)
- Snatch Jump No Shrug
- Hip Snatch High Pull
- Hip Muscle Snatch
- Power Drop Snatch (3s pause in receiving position)
- Hip Power Snatch
- Slow Hang Power Snatch (3s to reach hip)
4) T-Spine Extensions
STRENGTH: Power Snatch, 5RM of the day in 4-6 sets
1) 1st Rib Mob. & Trap
2) Pec Smash + Banded Pec Stretch
3) High Glute Smash & Low Back
4) Elevated Pigeon Pose & IT Band Stretch
WOD: Perform the following for time:
- 20 Hanging Power Snatches @ 80-85% of 5RM of the day
- 20 Calorie Row/Bike
- 15 Hanging Power Snatches
- 15 Calorie Row/Bike
- 10 Hanging Power Snatches
- 10 Calorie Row/Bike
- 5 Hanging Power Snatches
- 5 Calorie Row/Bike
1) 100m Recovery Walk (immediately following WOD)
2) CORE WORK: L Sit Hold on Rings, 20s On/10s Off, 8X’s total
3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area, starting with the back & working down to calfs/shins)
4) STATIC STRETCH OF THE DAY: Seated Single Leg Hamstring Stretch