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1) Tabata Row or Bike (20s On/10s Off for 8 rounds)

2) Barbell Warm-Up (5 reps each)

- Tempo OHS (5s to the bottom)

- Press In Snatch

- BH Push Press + OHS

- Heaving Snatch Balance

- Snatch Balance

3) Anterior Ankle Mobilization

4) Russian Babymaker + Sumo Stretch

STRENGTH: 3 Snatch Balance + 6 OHS, 4 sets total


1) 1st Rib & Trap Mobilization

2) T-Spine Extension w/OH Bias

3) Banded Hip Distraction

4) High Glute Smash

WOD: Perform 3 rounds of the following 6-minute AMRAP with 1-minute REST between rounds (1st/2nd/3rd round):

- 50/40/30 Burpee buy-in

- Hang Squat Snatch, ME reps (95/65)


1) 100m Recovery Walk (immediately following WOD)

2) CORE WORK: Single-Leg Strict Toes to Bar, 6 R/L for 3-4 sets

3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area, starting with the back & working down to calfs/shins)

4) STATIC STRETCH OF THE DAY: Olympic Wall Squat with Rotation, 2-minute relaxed hold

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