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1) KB Armbar, KB Halo, KB Bottom’s Up Press/Carry

2) Banded Single-Leg Hip Squat, 15 reps R/L

3) KB Hip Flexor Smash

4) Banded Hip Extension


1) Forearm Smash & Wrist Stretch

2) Tricep Smash Banded Elbow Extension

3) Tear Drop Smash

4) Couch & Glute Stretch

OPEN WOD 19.3: Perform the following for time; 10-minute time-cap:

- 200-Ft. Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge (50/35)

- 50 Dumbbell Box Step-Ups (50/35, 24/20” box – 25 reps R/L)

- 50 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

- 200-Ft. Handstand Walk

Scaled 19.3: Perform the following for time; 10-minute time-cap:

- 200-Ft. Dumbbell Front-Rack Lunge (50/35)

- 50 Dumbbell Box Step-Ups (50/35, 24/20” box – 25 reps R/L)

- 50 5-In. Elevated Strict Handstand Push-Ups

- 200-Ft. Bear Crawl


1) Recovery Walk, 100-200m following WOD

2) Core Work: GHD Sit-Up’s, 15 reps for 4 sets

3) Foam Roll & Soft Tissue Work, 3-5 minutes

4) Pigeon Pose & V Stretch

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