1) Crawling Warm-Up, Upper Body Specific, 5-minutes of slow continuous movement
2) KB Bottom’s Up Carry, 60ft – 2X’s + KB Bottom’s Up Press, 5 reps – 2X’s
3) Extended Plank Hold w/Wall, 10s + Wall Facing HS Hold, 10s – 3X’s
4) T-Spine Extension & Lat Smash
SKILL: HSPU Practice, Kipping/Strict/Scaling Options
1) Lat & T-Spine Stretch w/Wall
2) High Glute Smash
3) Low Lumbar Smash & High Glute Stretch
4) Spider & Perfect Stretch
PARTNER WOD: With a partner perform 6 rounds each of the following:
- Partner 1: 15 HSPU (5 strict + 10 kipping)
- Partner 2: ME reps, Alternating D Ball Cleans (80/60)
1) Recovery Walk, 100-200m following WOD
2) Core Work: Strict Toes to Bar, 3-5 reps + Kipping Toes to Bar (legs straight), 6-10 reps for 3-4 sets total
3) Foam Roll & Soft Tissue Work, 3-5 minutes
4) Single Leg Hamstring Stretch w/Post