1) Deadbug w/Pull-Over, 10 reps
2) Mini Band Glute Warm-Up
3) Barbell Thruster Warm-Up
4) PVC 1st Rib & Trap Mob.
STRENGTH: Thruster’s, find a 1-3RM of the day in 6-8 sets
1) Banded Front Rack Stretch
2) Barbell Tricep Smash
3) High Glute Smash
4) Banded Hip Extension
WOD: Perform 4 rounds of the following 3-minute AMRAP:
- 25/20 calorie row
- ME reps, Thrusters (135/95) w/time remaining
**REST 90s between rounds
1) 100m Walk following WOD
2) Core Work: Weighted Back Extensions, 12 reps w/3s pause 3-4 sets
3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area)
4) V Stretch, 3-minutes relaxed hold