1) Row 500m
2) Clean & Jerk Bar Warm-Up
- Hip Clean Jump, No Shrug
- Hip Clean High Pull
- Hip Muscle Clean + Strict Press
- Hip Power Clean + Push Press
- Hang Power Clean + Power Jerk
3) Scap Pull-Ups + Kipping on Rings, 10 reps each
4) Snatch Bar Warm-Up
- Hip Snatch Jump, No Shrug
- Hip Snatch High Pull
- Hip Muscle Snatch
- Hip Power Snatch
SKILL: Ring Muscle-Up’s, Pull-Ups & Dips
1) Trap, Bicep & Pec Smash
2) Banded Front Rack & Elbow Extension
3) High Glute Smash
4) Frog Stretch
WOD “The Standard”
Perform the following for time:
30 Clean & Jerks (135/95, “Grace”)
30 Ring Muscle-Ups ( 1 MU = 2 Pull-Ups + 2 Dips, total of 60 Pull-Ups & 60 Dips)
30 Snatches (135/95, “Isabel”)
1) 200m Walk following WOD
2) Core Work: Weighted GHD Sit-Up’s, accumulate 50 reps in as few sets as possible
3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area)
4) V Stretch, 2-3 minutes in a relaxed hold