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1) Tabata Row

2) Hollow Body Hold w/Lat Pull Down, 10 reps – 2X’s

3) Scap Pull-Ups, 10 reps + Kipping, 5 reps – 2X’s

4) Kick to Handstand + Scap Push-Ups, 10 reps

5) Negative HSPU (5s down), 5 reps

SKILL: Toes to Bar, HSPU


1) Barbell Trap Smash

2) Barbell Tricep Smash

3) Forearm Stretching Series

4) T-Spine Extensions

WOD: Perform a 14-minute alternating EMOM with the following:

MIN 1: 20s, ME reps Strict T2B + 20s, ME reps Kipping T2B + 20s REST

MIN 2: 20s, ME reps Strict HSPU + 20s, ME reps Kipping HSPU + 20s REST

**SCORE is total # of reps


1) 100-200m Recovery Walk

2) Core Work: Reverse Hyper’s w/3s pause, 8-12 reps for 3-4 sets

3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area)

4) V Stretch (2-3 minutes, relaxed hold)

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