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1) 2-minutes foward/backward on Bike 2) Crawling Warm-Up 3) PVC Pipe Pass Through's & Leg Swings 4) Walk-Out to Press-Up to Spider Stretch 5) T-Spine Extensions

ACTIVE MOBILITY 1) Pec Smash 2) Banded Pec Stretch 3) Psoas Smash 4) Hip Flexor Smash + Banded Hip Extension

HERO WOD “Zachary Tellier Perform the following for time: - 10 Burpees - 25 Push-Ups

- 10 Burpees - 25 Push-Ups - 50 Lunges

- 10 Burpees - 25 Push-Ups - 50 Lunges - 100 Sit-Ups

- 10 Burpees - 25 Push-Ups - 50 Lunges - 100 Sit-Ups - 150 Air Squats

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