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1) Do 2-3 rounds for quality:

- 150m Ski

- Ring Dip Support Hold, 20s tight hollow body hold on rings

- Banded Lat Pull Over w/Hollow Body Hold, 15-20 reps

- Ring Scap Pull-Ups, 5 reps + Kipping on Rings - Beat Swings, 5 reps

2) Pec/Armpit Floss w/Rings

3) Negative Ring Dips (5s d down, 2s hold at bottom) + Negative Pull-Ups (5s to lower down, 2s pause halfway down), 5 reps each

4) Lat Smash & T-Spine Extensions

STRENGTH: Weighted Pull-Ups or Dips, 1RM of day in 6-8 sets; do 2 sets w/3RM


1) Banded Lat Stretch & Band Elbow Bulley

2) Hip Flexor & High Glute Smash

3) Frog & Couch Stretch

4) Banded Elbow Extension & Banded Wrist Distraction

WOD: Perform a 14-minute EMOM with the following; REST with time remaining in each minute:

  • 3 DB Push-Ups

  • 4 Double DB Front Squat (50/35)

  • 5 Double DB Thruster (50/35)

**SCORE is total rounds performed successfully out of 14


1) Recovery Walk for 2-minutes immediately following WOD

2) Core Work: Weighted AbMat Sit-Ups, 25 reps for 3-4 sets

3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area)

4) V Stretch (2-3 minutes, relaxed hold)

5) Individual Mobility

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