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1) Tabata Jog/Run

2) Wall Walk to Scap HSPU, 5 reps

3) Scap Pull-up + Kipping + Kipping Pull-Up w/3s Pause, 3 reps each

4) Negative HSPU + Kipping HSPU, 3 reps each

5) Negative Pull-Up + Kipping Pull-Up, 3 reps each


1) PVC Pipe 1st Rib & Trap

2) Banded Trap & Banded Elbow Bulley Stretches

3) Hamstring Tack & Floss

4) Hamstring & Calf Stretch

WOD: Perform the following for time:

  • 800m Run

  • 50 Burpees

  • 50 Pull-Ups

  • 50 Alternating Pistols (25 R/L)

  • 50 Russian KB Swings (53/35)

  • 50 HSPU

  • 800m Run

**30-minute time-cap


1) Recovery Walk for 2-minutes immediately following WOD

2) Core Work: Toes to Bar, ME reps unbroken for 4 sets

3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area)

4) V Stretch (2-3 minutes, relaxed hold)

5) Individual Mobility

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