1) 250m Row + 250m Ski
2) Mini Band Glute Series
3) Front Squat Bar Warm-Up
4) Barbell Quad & Adductor Smash
STRENGTH: Dead Front Squat (use safety racks), 5RM of day
1) Pec Smash + Rear Delt Tack & Floss
2) Front Rack Stretch
3) High Glute & Hip Flexor Smash
4) Banded Hip Extension Stretch
WOD: Perform a 15-minute AMRAP using the following:
20 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jump Overs
2 - 4 – 6 Thrusters (95/65) …. +2 reps each round
1) Recovery Walk for 2-minutes immediately following WOD
2) Core Work: Reverse Plank Hold, accumulate 2-minutes; each break = 30s plank hold)
3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area)
4) V Stretch (2-3 minutes, relaxed hold)
5) Individual Mobility