1) 500m row
2) PVC Pipe Snatch Pull Review & Practice
3) Snatch Footwork & Bar Warm-Up
4) PVC Pipe 1st Rib & Trap
STRENGTH: Snatch Segment Deadlift w/Jump at Hip**+ Hip Power Snatch + OHS
(**Pause 2s - 1” Off floor/BK/AK/mid-thigh/hip), (1+1+1)x3 reps, 4-6 sets
1) T-Spine Extensions & Lat Smash
2) Anterior Ankle Mobilization
3) High Glute Smash & Frog Stretch
4) Banded Lat Stretch
WOD: Perform 4 rounds of Parts 1 & 2 listed below; NO REST between parts 1 & 2 but REST 1-minute after each round (work for 4-minutes & rest for 1 minute):
Part 1: In 2-minutes:
- 12/10 calorie Row
- ME reps, Back Squat @ 50% of 1RM with time remaining
Part 2: In 2-minutes:
- 12/10 calorie Row
- ME reps, Strict Pull-Ups with time remaining
1) Recovery Walk for 2-minutes immediately following WOD
2) Core Work: GHD Sit-Ups w/5s Decent, 15-20 reps for 3-4 sets
3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area)
4) V Stretch (2-3 minutes, relaxed hold)
5) Individual Mobility