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1) 400m Run or 500m Row

2) Foam Roll (10 passes per area)

3) Forward & Lateral Leg Swings (10-15 reps each)

4) PVC Pipe Arm Rotations or Arm Circles (10-15 reps)

5) Walk Out Stretch Series


1) Wall bugs or Bird Dogs, 5 reps R/L x 3 sets

2) Side Plank Variation (dealer’s choice; 30s hold R/L – 2X’s)

3) T-Spine Superman’s, 10s hold x 3 sets

4) Glute Bridge w/5s Hold at Top, 5 reps x 3 sets

5) Single Leg RDLs, 5 reps R/L x 3 sets

SKILL A: Muscle Ups: If you have access to rings or a bar, then practice modification & scaling options for the Muscle-Up (scap pull-ups, kipping, negatives). If you plan on scaling the Muscle-Up during the WOD, then add in some pull-up & dip exercises as well (scap pull-ups, kipping, negative pull-ups & dips)

SKILL B: Wall Walk Variation (shoulder touches, transverse), spend 10-minutes practice different Wall Walk & Kick to Handstand variations

WOD 1: Perform a 16-minute alternating EMOM using the following:

MIN 1: 3 Muscle-Ups + Sled Push, 60ft - REST with time remaining (Scale = 3 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups + 3 Dips)

MIN 2: 20 One Arm Russian KB Swings + Sled Push, 60ft - REST with time remaining (53/35, 10 R/L)

WOD 2 (minimal equipment)

Perform a 16-minute alternating EMOM using the following:

MIN 1: 3 Wall Walks + Bear Crawl, 120ft - REST with time remaining

MIN 2: 20 One Arm Russian KB Swings + Bear Crawl, 120ft - REST with time remaining (53/35, 10 R/L)

WOD 3 (no equipment)

Perform a 16-minute alternating EMOM using the following:

MIN 1: 3 Wall Walks + Wall Sit, 20s hold - REST with time remaining

MIN 2: Bear Crawl, 6ft + Wall Sit, 20s hold - REST with time remaining


1) 200m Recovery Walk

2) V Stretch (2-3 minutes relaxed hold)

3) Extra Core: Banded Pallof Presses or Russian Twists, 10 reps R/L for 3-4 sets

4) Individual Mobility (5-10 minutes of foam rolling, soft tissue work & stretching)

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