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WARM-UP 1) 400m Run or 500m Row 2) Foam Roll (10 passes per area) 3) Crawling Warm-Up (60ft for each of the following) - Tall Bear Crawl - Low Bear Crawl - Lateral Plank Walk - Spider man Crawl - Crab Walk (30ft forward/back) 4) Clean Footwork (5 reps each – Feet move from hip to shoulder width) - Drop to ¼ Squat - Drop to ¼ Squat + Ride Down into Full Squat - Drop to Full Squat 5) If you have a barbell, do a Clean & Jerk Bar Warm-Up - Clean Jump, No Shrug - Hip Clean High Pull - Hip Muscle Clean - Hip Power Clean + FS - Hip Clean + OH Press - Hip Clean + Push Press - Hip Clean + Power or Split Jerk

STRENGTH: Based on the equipment available, perform 1 of the following with Active Mobility between sets: Strength A: Clean & Jerk, 5 x 5 sets @ 70-75% Strength B: Seated DB Clean to Press, 10 x 5 sets

ACTIVE MOBILITY 1) Lat & Rear Delt Smash 2) T-Spine Extensions 3) Frog Stretch 4) Anterior Ankle Mobilization

WOD 1: 14-minute alternating EMOM: EVEN MIN: Barbell Clusters, ME reps within 45s/15s REST (135/95, Cluster = Squat Clean into OH Press) ODD MIN: 50 Unbroken Double Under’s** REST with time remaining **PENALTY: 2 Burpees on the spot; must re-start back at 1 rep

WOD 2 (minimal equipment): 14-minute alternating EMOM: EVEN MIN: KB/DB Clusters, ME reps within 45s/15s REST (Cluster = Squat Clean into OH Press) ODD MIN: 50 Unbroken Double Under’s or Singles** REST with time remaining **PENALTY: 2 Burpees on the spot; must re-start back at 1 rep

WOD 3 (no equipment): 14-minute alternating EMOM: EVEN MIN: Thrusters w/Odd Object (anything that you are able to safely squat & press overhead), 45s ME reps/15s REST ODD MIN: 12-15 Burpees – Hold Plank with time remaining after work is complete

COOL DOWN 1) 200m Recovery Walk 2) V Stretch (2-3 minutes relaxed hold) 3) Extra Core: Plank with Alternating Reach, 12 reps R/L for 4 sets 4) Individual Mobility (5-10 minutes of foam rolling, soft tissue work & stretching)

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