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1) Dynamic Upper Body Warm-Up (Straight Arm Jumping Jacks, Arm Circles, Tall Plank Variations, Walk Out with 2 Push-Ups)

2) Dead Bug Pull Over, 10-15 reps

3) Pressing Bar Warm-Up (5 reps each)

- Over & Backs

- Dip Squat (Dip, Stand – use wall if possible)

- Dip Squat + Push Press

- Dip Squat + Power Jerk or Split Jerk

4) Barbell Trap Smash

STRENGTH: Split Jerk or Power Jerk, 2-3 reps x 5-6 sets (**2-3s pause in split)


1) Pec & Tricep Smash

2) Sun Dial & T-Spine Stretch w/Wall

3) Anterior Ankle Mobilization

4) Calf & Shin Smash

WOD: Perform 6 rounds of the following for total reps:

MIN 1: 40s ME reps, Hand Release Push-Ups + 20s REST

MIN 2: 40s ME reps, Alternating Pistols + 20s REST

MIN 3: 40s ME reps, Inverted Row + 20s REST


1) 200m Recovery Walk

2) V Stretch (2-3 minutes relaxed hold)

3) Extra Core: Barbell Cauldrons, 12-15 reps R/L x 3-4 sets

4) Individual Mobility (5-10 minutes of foam rolling, soft tissue work & stretching)

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