1) Dynamic Running Warm-Up & Speed Ladders
2) Alternating Low Bears
3) Hamstring Curls
4) Good Mornings & Single Leg RDLs
STRENGTH: Deadlift, 16RM of day x 3-4 sets
1) Hamstring Tack & Floss
2) High Glute Smash
3) Single Leg Banded Hamstring Stretch
4) Calf Smash & Stretch
WOD: Perform the following for time:
2 mile Run
After every lap (200m) do 5 Tall Box Jumps (30/24”) until the work is complete
1) 200m Recovery Walk
2) V Stretch (2-3 minutes relaxed hold)
3) Extra Core: V Tucks, 20 reps x 3-4 sets
4) Individual Mobility (5-10 minutes of foam rolling, soft tissue work & stretching)