1) 200m Run
2) Jump Rope Warm-Up
3) Sliding Plate Lunge Series (Lateral, Reverse, Curtsey)
4) High Glute Smash
STRENGTH: Superset the following for 4-5 sets:
Forward Sled Drag, 120ft
KB Front Rack Push Back Lunges, 6-8 reps R/L
1) Quad Smash
2) Frog & Couch Stretch
3) Calf Smash
4) Single Leg Hamstring & Calf Stretch
WOD: Perform 3 rounds of the following using any time remaining to rest; every 8-minutes do:
400m Run
50 Double Unders
500m Row
25 Burpees, -5reps each round (20/15 reps)
1) 200m Recovery Walk
2) V Stretch (2-3 minutes relaxed hold)
3) Extra Core: Toes to Bar or KTE’s, accumulate as many reps as possible in 3-minutes
4) Individual Mobility (5-10 minutes of foam rolling, soft tissue work & stretching)